I'm not officially DA. But I didn't fade either.
I went from being an active bro with some privileges (reading WT, public prayer) to atheist evolutionist apostate in a single day. For myself it took about 4-6 weeks, but everyone else only saw the result. After I told my wife my findings, I never went to a single meeting, and she told everyone why.
- Do some witnesses still come to your house for association with your still in spouse? Or do all of them avoid your home like the plague?
If they do, they do it during the day when I'm not home. Only 2 BFF of both of us visit when I'm there, but not nearly as often as before.
Others (some pioneer friends who had dinner at our place every week) never came back at all. - Do some of the more down to earth...keeping it real ones still talk to you as normal when they come to visit your spouse etc?
They do, but I'm somewhat sure they wouldn't if I were officially DA/DF. - Do they allow their kids over for sleep overs and association and carry on as normal?
N/A as our kid is too young for that. Otherwise I doubt they would. Only the BFF kids ever visit us, but only when it's needed (i.e. my wife babysits them). - Did you write to relatives who are JW's and respectfully say they need not worry; that they could still come over, but that you would respectfully refrain from discussing anything spiritual out of respect for their beliefs?
Yes I did. In-laws are JW (my own family all POMO). BIL (an elder) and SIL shun me. FIL/MIL are shocked and sad but treat me as before. But I know MIL will follow the WT rules and shun me if I'm officially out. - Do any or even all of your JW relatives avoid visiting your home despite the fact your spouse and children are still attending?
Yes BIL/SIL. Good thing they live in another country and aren't around often. They were recently and avoided me as much as they could. - Did your dissacociation cause a lot of stress between you and your spouse and children?
Wife: yes. Two years of stress and alienation. I made sure to never bring up JW related topics. We only talked about those first month I was out as my wife wanted to understand me (which she still doesn't). By now she is capable of seeing me (instead of the Satanic apostate) again. She wouldn't have stayed if it weren't for our child, who she thinks deserves both parents 24/7.
Kid doesn't know, is only 2 years old. - Did your experience affect your mental health?
No, not really. But I'm capable of detaching myself from (lost) friends and perfectly happy solitary. I'm also not prone to stress or anxiety. I did notice myself lying in bed awake, having hypothetical conversations with my wife.
- Was it worth it? Or do you wish you had simply faded?
I can't play pretend, and will not be someone I'm not to please others. So yes, it's worth it. I couldn't have done the long fade.
By the way, if you're capable of pretending/faking, I suggest to fake starting research and bring your wife with you on your trip. My wife was mostly shocked that I didn't inform her when I started my research. It was a breach of trust. I might even have gotten her out...I've heard more than one exjw relate the same. Don't keep your spouse in the dark too long.